What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield (relinquish possession of) yourselves servants to obey,
HIS SERVANTS YE ARE TO WHOM YE OBEY; whether of sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness?
This scripture is basically saying that continued sin has a consequence to it. If we continue in it, we become a slave to it. Of sin unto death (spiritual and/or physical) or not living in sin (righteousness) unto LIFE.
SIN is a big deal because the Bible from front to back addresses it. It is the cause of the fall of man in Genesis, the judgement of God on it throughout the old testament and the redemption of sin through Jesus in the New Testament. Sin is just as harshly dealt with in the New Testament as the Old, but to those that repent and accept Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins, there is true redemption. The redemption that Jesus paid for our sins is not a license or ok to remain in sin, just as it says in the verse above that if you obey it, you will become a slave to it and it will bring spiritual death.
There are many warnings in the New Testament as to the severity of continued sin in one’s life. Jesus said that if your eye or hand cause you to sin, to pluck it out, or cut if off, for it is better to enter into eternal life lamed than to go to hell in one piece.
Today most do not even know what sin is, because it is most often not even mentioned in most churches except that our sins have already been paid for past present and future, with no mention that we should not live in it or what it really is or the consequences of living in it.
What is sin? Many today do not really know what constitutes sin. Sin is doing things that God has commanded we not do.
GALATIANS 5:19....Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God
Adultery. Greek: moicheia ( G3430), unlawful sexual relations between men and women, single or married ( Mt. 15: 19; Mk. 7: 21; Jn. 8: 3; Gal. 5: 19). Note the related Greek: verbs, moichao ( G3429) ( Mt. 5: 32, notes; 19: 9; Mk. 10: 11- 12), and moicheuo ( G3431) ( Mt. 5: 27- 28 19: 18; Mk. 10: 19; Lk. 16: 18; 18: 20; Jn. 8: 4; Rom. 2: 22; 13: 9; Jas. 2: 11; Rev. 2: 22).
Fornication. Greek: porneia ( G4202), same as adultery above besides all manner of other unlawful relations ( notes, Mt. 5: 32).
Uncleanness. Greek: akatharsia ( G167), whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion ( Gal. 5: 19; Mt. 23: 27; Rom. 1: 21- 32 6: 19; 2Cor. 12: 21; Eph. 4: 19; 5: 3; Col. 3: 5; 1Th. 2: 3; 4: 7; 2Pet. 2; Jude).
Lasciviousness. Greek: aselgeia ( G766), licentiousness, lustfulness, unchastity, and lewdness. Translated " lasciviousness" ( Mk. 7: 22; 2Cor. 12: 21; Gal. 5: 19; Eph. 4: 19; 1Pet. 4: 3; Jude 1: 4); " wantonness" ( Rom. 13: 13; 2Pet2: 18); and " filthy" ( 2Pet. 2: 7). Lasciviousness is the promoting or partaking of that which tends to produce lewd emotions, anything tending to foster sex sin and lust. That is why many worldly pleasures have to be avoided by Christians-- so that lasciviousness may not be committed.
Idolatry. Greek: eidololatreia ( G1495), image- worship ( 1Cor. 10: 14; Gal. 5: 20; Col. 3: 5; 1Pet. 4: 3). Idolatry includes anything on which affections are passionately set; extravagant admiration of the heart ( Eph. 5: 5; Col. 3: 5).
Witchcraft. Greek: pharmakeia ( G5331), sorcery, practice of dealing with evil spirits; magical incantations and casting spells and charms upon one by means of drugs and potions of various kinds ( Gal. 5: 20; Rev. 9: 21; 18: 23; cp. Rev. 21: 8; 22: 15. See note b, Lk. 12: 29). Enchantments were used to inflict evil, pains, hatred, sufferings, and death, or to bring good, health, love and other blessings.
Hatred. Greek: echthra ( G2189), enmity ( Lk. 23: 12; Rom. 8: 7; Eph. 2: 15- 16 Jas. 4: 4); hatred ( Gal. 5: 20). Bitter dislike, abhorrance, malice and ill will against anyone; tendency to hold grudges against or be angry at someone.
Variance. Greek: eris ( G2054), note, Rom. 1: 29. Dissensions, discord, quarreling, debating; and disputes.
Emulations. Greek: zeloi ( G2205), envies, jealousies; striving to excel at the expense of another; seeking to surpass and out do others; uncurbed rivalry spirit in religion, business, society, and other fields of endeavor. Translated " zeal" ( Jn. 2: 17; Rom. 10: 2; 2Cor. 7: 11; 9: 2; Php. 3: 6; Col. 4: 13); " fervent mind" ( 2Cor. 7: 7); " envy" ( Acts 13: 45; Rom. 13: 13; 1Cor. 3: 3; 2Cor. 12: 20; Jas. 3: 14- 15); " jealousy" ( 2Cor. 11: 2); " indignation" ( Acts 5: 17 Heb. 10: 27); and " emulation" ( Gal. 5: 20).
Wrath. Greek: thumos ( G2372), " wrath" ( Gal. 5: 20; Lk. 4: 28; Acts 19: 28; 2Cor. 12: 20; Eph. 4: 31; Col. 3: 8; Heb. 11: 27; Rev. 12: 12; 14: 8, 10, 19; 15: 1, 7; 16: 1; 18: 3); " indignation" ( Rom. 2: 8); and " fierceness" ( Rev. 16: 19; 19: 15). Turbulent passions; domestic and civil turmoils; rage; determined and lasting anger. Strife. Greek: eritheia ( G2052), " strife" ( Gal. 5: 20; 2Cor. 12: 20; Php. 2: 3; Jas. 3: 14, 16); " contention" ( Php. 1: 16; Rom. 2: 8). Disputations; jangling; strife about words; angry contentions; contest for superiority or advantage; strenuous endeavor to equal or pay back in kind the wrongs done to one.
Seditions. Greek: dichostasia ( G1370), " divisions" ( Rom. 16: 17; 1Cor. 3: 3); " seditions, parties, and factions" ( Gal. 5: 20). Popular disorder; stirring up strife in religion, government, home, or any other place. Heresies ( note, Acts 5: 17).
Envyings. Greek: phthonoi ( G5355) ( Gal. 5: 21; Mt. 27: 18; Mk. 15: 10; Rom. 1: 29; Php. 1: 15; 1Tim. 6: 4; Tit. 3: 3; Jas. 4: 5; 1Pet. 2: 1) Pain, ill will, and jealousy at the good fortune or blessings of another; the most base of all degrading and disgraceful passions.
Murders. Greek: phonoi ( G5408) ( note, Mt. 15: 18) to kill; to spoil or mar the happiness of another; hatred ( 1Jn. 3: 15). Drunkeness. Greek: methai ( G3178) ( Gal. 5: 21; Lk. 21: 34; Rom. 13: 13). Living intoxicated; a slave to drink; drinking bouts.
Revellings. Greek: komoi ( G2970) ( Gal. 5: 21; 1Pet. 4: 3); rioting ( Rom. 13: 13). Lascivious and boisterous feastings, with obscene music, and other sinful activities; pleasures; carousings
SEARCH YOUR LIFE AND SEE IF ANY OF THESE APPLY TO YOUR LIFE…..God will not hear you if you continue in sins and iniquities. (If I regard sin in my heart,
the Lord will not hear me: Psalm 66:18)
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh:for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness ROMANS 6:17
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